Sangryul Kim

sangryul(at) / ksl970330(at)


I am Sangryul Kim, currently a Master's Student at XFACT lab in KAIST AI. Before joining here, I was an intern as a machine learning engineer at NAVER WEBTOON. My main interests are LLM and Reasoning, with a focus on related downstream tasks such as Retrieval and QA, but I am not limited to specific topics. The topics I have worked on are as follows:

  • Filtering unnecessary information in search systems with alignment tuning
  • Analyzing model’s confidence from the token likelihood perspective of language models
  • NLP applications using LLM

I majored in Computer Science and Engineering at Chung-Ang University and minored in Applied Statistics. During my university studies, I also worked as a Software Engineer in the IMQA team at ONYCOM INC. in the field of making web applicaitons, which sparked my interest not only in research but also in actual development. In the future, I want to experience the process of turning research into real products for users. :sparkles:


Apr 30, 2024 1 paper accepted to Clinical NLP workshop at NAACL 2024
Jan 18, 2024 1 paper accepted to Findings of EACL 2024
Aug 22, 2023 Win 2nd Place in the 2023 AI Graduate School Challenge (KT CTO Award)
Jan 02, 2023 Join XFACT Lab at KAIST AI as a Master student.

selected publications

  1. Clinical WS
    ProbGate at EHRSQL 2024: Enhancing SQL Query Generation Accuracy through Probabilistic Threshold Filtering and Error Handling
    Sangryul Kim, Donghee Han, and Sehyun Kim
    In Proceedings of the 6th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop , Jun 2024
  2. EACL
    Re3val: Reinforced and Reranked Generative Retrieval
    EuiYul Song, Sangryul Kim, Haeju Lee , and 2 more authors
    In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024 , Mar 2024